Friday, September 26, 2008

The Award Winning Frog's School!

Julie at A Celebration of Our Journey has awarded Frog's School a Brilliate Weblog Award! Thanks Julie - what a nice surprise :0)

Now I get to spread the love. For those who are about to be honored, here are the rules:

1. The winner can (and should, really) put the logo on his/her blog
2. The winner must link to the person from whom they received their award.
3. The winner must nominate at least 7 other blogs for an award.
4. The winner must place links to those blogs on their own blog.
5. The winner must leave a message on the blogs of the people they’ve nominated.

Since I started this blog less than a month ago, I've been meaning to search out some other Home School blogs to follow. So I'm going to honor Home School with Autism blogs (a caveat - If you have recently received this award for your home school blog or any other blog, feel free to accept and reserve the right to pass it on later):

1. Christine at Adventures in Home Schooling

2. Bonnie Sayers at Autism Family Adventures

3. Kyra at This Mom

4. Harvest Mom at Along the Crooked Path

5. Mrs. C at Home school and Etc.

6. Lisa at Home School for All Kinds of Learners - Teaching Tommy

7. Sue at Living and Learning

I'll Add Aspergertopia - since she didn't have a chance to pick-up the award last time :0) A great home school resource with fabulous ideas!

And I think Julie's Blog - A Celebration of our Journey - is a wonderful home schooling blog and resource. A real "Can't Miss!"


Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Hey, wow, THANKS!!! I just had this award a bit ago and may have to keep it in my back pocket for a bit LOL!

I really appreciate the welcome. I'm off to snoop through some links and stuff here. :]

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful gift this morning! and what wonderful company! thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the linky love- I can say the same for your blog!

Bonnie sayers said...

Thanks for the award. Same as Mrs. C. Will think of some sites to share this with in coming days.

Nice idea to focus on homeschoolers.

Sue said...

Thank you so much! I can really use linky-love right now!

I am actually going through a bit of a difficult situation at the moment. For the long explanation please check my blog. I hope you don't mind if I do my linking after things calm down a bit around here.